Estimating Cubic Yards
Formula: (square foot area x depth) / 27
This formula should be used for any bulk material, i.e. mulch, loam, crushed stone, etc.Measure square foot area (width x length)
Choose the desired depth of material (convert inches to feet)
1" = .08 ft 2" = .16 ft 3" = .25 ft 4" = .33 ft 5" = .42 ft 6" = .50 ft 7" = .58 ft 8" = .67 ft 9" = .75 ftSquare Feet Area x Depth (in feet) = Cubic Feet (width x length x depth)
Divide Cubic Feet by 27 to get Cubic Yards
To mulch an area of 25 feet wide by 50 feet long at 3" thick:
25 ft x 50 ft = 1250 Square Feet
3 " thick = .25 feet
1250 sq ft x .25 ft = 312.5 Cubic Feet
312.5 Cubic Feet / 27 = 11.57 yards of mulch